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Thank you for stopping in. We have a variety of tips and resources for families and piano teachers alike. We hope you find the articles helpful. If you have any suggestions for a post you would like to see, or any questions about Edmonton Suzuki Piano School please free to contact us.
Suzuki Summer Institutes
Edmonton Suzuki Piano School hosts The River City Suzuki Piano Institute, offering teacher training and student programs in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Mother Tongue Approach
Dr. Suzuki examined the educational techniques used instinctively by parents to teach language to their babies. He called this the “Mother Tongue” Approach and theorized that these same techniques could be applied to teaching music.
Quotes from Dr. Suzuki
Dr. Suzuki wrote extensively about his approach to music instruction, the development of children, and their capacity to learn. Read some of these quotes, which provide great insight to the Suzuki Approach.