Edmonton Suzuki Piano School Bursary Program
At Edmonton Suzuki Piano School, we believe that “Every Child Can,” and we strive to make our program accessible to every family. We believe that every child should have access to high quality music education, so we have established a Music Bursary Fund that will allow us to offer support to qualified members who might be experiencing financial barriers to enrolment. The first bursary will be awarded in the fall of 2023.
Support the Bursary
We are actively looking for partners to help expand the numbers of bursaries we can award. If you would like to support the bursary, you can donate directly using the button below or contact us for more details. Edmonton Suzuki Piano School is a registered charity and all contributions to the bursary program are tax-deductible. An official receipt will be provided to donors.
About The Edmonton Suzuki Piano School Music Bursary
The goal of the music bursary is to improve accessibility and provide financial support to families in Edmonton and surrounding communities who want to enroll in the Edmonton Suzuki Piano School (ESPS) program.
Applications are open to registered Edmonton Suzuki Piano School members. Applicants must complete and submit the registration form before being eligible
Applicants must fully participate in individual and group programming (to be confirmed by teacher)
Applicant families must complete their volunteer commitment each year
Applicant families must provide proof of financial need
The bursary program will run from September to June each year. Applications must be submitted each year, with an annual application deadline of September 30th
Qualified bursary recipients will be selected based on an income threshold. The number of successful awards and the funding levels may vary from year to year and between applicants, dependent on funding availability.
Application Process
To request an application form send an email to office@edmontonsuzukipiano.ca
Applications will be accepted between August 1 and September 30th for the upcoming season.
The Administrator is available to answer questions during the application process and can be contacted by email at office@edmontonsuzukipiano.ca.
Applications must include all required information. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants will be notified by October 31st, and successful applicants will receive funding details and conditions of their award.