Congratulations to Volume 7 Graduate Hannah VandenBorn

Edmonton Suzuki Piano School congratulates Hannah VandenBorn, who has completed Volume 7 and our Suzuki piano program. On March 25th, Hannah will mark this important milestone with a solo concert featuring works by Handel, Debussy, Mozart and Bartok. Congratulations Hannah!

Hannah’s Biography:

For as long as I can remember music has been a huge part of my life. Many of my memories of the last twelve years revolve around music. Every day after school I would practice my repertoire. At bedtime my parents would remind me to play my CDs.  I remember impromptu concerts while I was visiting family on vacation. I remember celebratory ice cream after Sunday afternoon recitals with my family. It is hard to put into words how much piano has been a part of my life, and how much effort it took to get where I am now. I am so grateful to have grown this gift, and the ability to share it with others. I feel that I am better able to appreciate different genres of music. I can recognize the skill and effort musicians put into their work. Although I am not going into a professional music career, I have also gained many valuable skills beyond the ability to play the piano, such as dedication and perseverance. 

This has been such a journey, with many people who contributed to this achievement. I would never have been able to make it this far without my parents. Thank you to Mom and Dad for sitting with me in all the lessons and practices. You have dealt with all the stress and tears and have done so much in encouraging me through everything. A great thank you also goes to my teacher for the last 13 years.  Nancy Thornhill taught me everything from my twinkles at the very beginning, to the songs I am playing today. Recently, there have been many weeks where I struggle to balance practice with my other activities, and her flexibility and willingness to work around a hectic schedule means a lot to me. She has continually encouraged me to make every note beautiful, and because of this, not only have I learned repertoire, but I have accomplished playing amazing works of art. Thank you Nancy, your love of music has inspired me.   


Congratulations to the February Challenge Prize Winners!


Graduation Concerts - March 20, 2022